Intuitive Insights

Inspiration by Jenn Royster

Intuition | Angels | Energy Healing | Spirituality | Metaphysics

How to Use Fire Element: Manifesting Your Dreams with Archangel Raziel

How to Use Fire Element

Manifesting Your Dreams with Archangel Raziel

- by Jenn Royster

This is one of busiest times of year and of course the universal energies are not easing up on us for a minute. But, that's ok because these energies are waking us up to our fullest potential and reality. 

One of my favorite visualization meditations to do is imagining a world that no longer hurts. It makes me feel better and I am sending out with intention, Love into a world that needs more Love!

Keeping intention in mind, we're moving right along with this massive shift a New Year 2018 with everything we need to make it all happen. INTENTION to create a new and better world for myself and others is on the top of my priority list. 

I asked the angels for insight and what message they wanted me to share this week with you. Guess who came through, and perfect timing for what we need right now, Archangel Raziel. The angel that is known as the keeper of God's...

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Inner Reflections: Angel Messages for December 2017

Inner Reflections: Angel Guidance   December 2017

-by Jenn Royster

Inner reflections stand out in the month of December 2017. I asked the angels for guidance and insight into what the energy can offer us. It's a power packed month that includes the last Super Moon of the year on December 3rd. At the same time (Dec. 3rd) we also have a Mercury retrograde that will shed it's influence until Dec. 22nd. 

So what does all this mean for us? Let's take a look at the lineup. First, the Super Moon in Gemini on Dec. 3rd. brings the energy of illumination. The opportunity to see the truth that we need to see. Or better yet, not avoid any longer. A super moon magnifies the energy even more.   

However, this one will be a bit toned down, because of the Mercury retrograde that begins at the same time. This will work to our benefit. Mercury retrograde receives a lot of complaining because they are associated with communication confusion, electronics on the fritz,...

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Soul Messages: The Quest for Answers

Soul Messages

The Quest for Answers

- by Jenn Royster

Soul Messages deliver important insights and guidance unique to each individual. They let us know if we’re on or off track according to our purpose. Or in other words, what we came here to contribute.
We took a journey to explore how our soul sends us messages everyday on the live broadcast Nov 16, 2017.  Needless to say it was a journey for us here at The Jenn Royster Show!

We were all set to live video stream while simultaneously broadcasting via our station and network when low and behold, the dreaded unexpected internet outage reared it's head 15 min prior to live on the air!  

We don't give up so easily. We did our radio live broadcast (aka: traditional radio). The nostalgia filled the air. We were able to record the audio for this episode. So all is not lost! We were still able to deliver a most important message to you. We will always find a way!

We created a still shot video with the audio recording...

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The Meaning of 1111: Explore the Possibilities

The Meaning of 1111

Explore the Possibilities

-by Jenn Royster

Ready to explore the possibilities? The energy of November is all about seeing everything with fresh new eyes. That is, if we're willing to open them. The month has a theme of 1111 energy running through it as well.

It’s bountiful in every way. November is a powerhouse month of 1111 energy and then some. Big changes are here and our spirit awakens with fresh new eyes. But, what if, we’re afraid to open our eyes and see? This month is loaded with possibilities, but, we do have to choose to accept them. 

I called on Archangel Michael for insights into the month of November and what it holds for all of us. There is bountiful energy flowing in, but we need to choose to accept it into our experience. I shared this and much more about the energy, the possibilities and the bigger picture in the Nov 09, 2017 live broadcast . (Watch the full episode archive below.)

AA Michael guides us to explore...

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Balancing Act and New Perspectives

Balancing Act and New Perspectives

-by Jenn Royster

We are in the midst of a balancing act. The new moon in Libra arrived October 19, 2017. This moon's energy is all about inner balance and perspective. How do we see our outer world? This is important as we are being urged by the universe to take a peak from a new fresh perspective.

Why? Because from a metaphysical point of view our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. So if things are not where you'd like them to be. Taking a look into your inner world can make all the difference moving forward.

This especially rings true for those in the process of big life changes. Many of us are going some sort of change these days. With that in mind, we explored this new moon's energy and the opportunities it offers in the Oct 19th live broadcast. (watch full episode below)

Of course, we checked in with the angels for their insights and guidance on this matter. They always bring out the best perspective and positive...

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Metaphysics: Explore the Energy Behind Everything

Metaphysics: Explore the Energy Behind Everything

-by Jenn Royster

Metaphysics is based on the energy behind everything. The root cause of imbalances in health, happiness and yes even prosperity. There's a bright side to this. It's also the root cause of healthy living, true happiness and positive aspects unlimited. So how do we align with the bright side?

Our energy is everything and it matters! So with that perspective, we'll explore how important it is to make our energy a priority. This is important for everyone. Those on the spiritual awakening path will especially be feeling this one.

In the Oct. 12th Live broadcast (full video archive posted below), we explored this and a few tips to help you on your journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle. Including how to balance the overload we feel in the world. Releasing dense energy that affects our health, emotions and everything in between. Then embracing and aligning to higher positive frequencies that support a healthy...

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Trust Your Inner Wisdom: Full Moon Angel Guidance

Trust Your Inner Wisdom: Full Moon Angel Guidance

- by Jenn Royster

Time to thrive and trust your inner wisdom. The October full moon in fiery Aries is rocking with the passion to make a move. It's filled with motivation to release the old energies and emerge in a strong confident new you.

So many changes happening in our lives these days. In the Oct 5th live broadcast (watch full episode posted below), I called on the angels for guidance into this current full moon’s energy. They came through with insight on tapping into your own strength and confidence to find your way no matter what's happening around you. Perfect timing for this full moon's energy.

I want to take a moment and send out a burst of Love and healing to everyone feeling the challenges. My heart goes out to those dealing with sudden loss. I want to send out rays of hope, Love and healing energy to those in need of a supportive boost.

In every part of the world there is someone feeling a challenge. We are faced...

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Angel Guidance for Oct 2017: Balance Your Energy

Angel guidance for Oct 2017

Balance Your Energy

- by Jenn Royster

The angel guidance for October 2017 is quite inspiring. Archangels Jophiel, Chamuel and a Michael come through. I shared their guidance and a wonderful meditation for energy clearing and healing they gave me in the September 28th broadcast. (Watch full episode posted below)

The energy of October is all about balancing masculine and feminine energies within ourselves.

The angels are filled with positive reinforcements regardless of what's out there in the world. The key is to tune in to those good vibes they send us. Then take action! (aka: our masculine energy) However, here's the balance part, take action with Love in our hearts. (aka: our feminine energy)

Everyone will need to find which of these two energies is out of balance within themselves if needed. Maybe you are balanced! But most of us, will find we have one of these energies more dominate than the other. We have the energy to help us figure it out in...

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Be Love: Healing Your Energy with the Angels

Be Love: Healing Your Energy with the Angels

by - Jenn Royster

Last week (Sept 14, 2017), I did a live broadcast (video archive posted below) on

energy healing with support from the angels and how we can BE the Love we seek. It turned out to be quite an interesting episode! 

All in all we all had a great time uplifting, encouraging and sharing Love. We gathered as a group and sent with intention, Love from our hearts out into the world.

Allowing it to seek out and BE whatever and wherever it was needed. 

The angels have a sense of humor and they know that laughter raises our frequency. Or to put it another way, laughter is healing

You may be thinking, how can laughter be healing?

Here's how: Laughter is energy. Our thoughts, our emotions are all energy that we hold in our energy field. Lifting our energy frequency higher with laughter, positive thoughts, Divine Love and/or using positive affirmations, helps us focus our intention for positive change. This...

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Angel Guidance for September 2017 and Full Moon in Pisces

Angel Guidance for September 2017

 and Full Moon in Pisces

- by Jenn Royster

September is just around the corner and on September 6, 2017 we have a full moon in Pisces. An interesting energy that is fluent and adaptable on wherever we focus our thoughts. I called on the angels for guidance and insight to share with you. Archangel Michael came through!

The full moon in Pisces energy easily adapts to what we focus on. So choose those intentions wisely.

Positive intentions are key to manifesting your dreams with flexibility in Pisces energy.

This energy does not seek to power over you, but instead it seeks to become what you focus on. Your intentions are powerful seeds of thought. A drop of Pisces energy in the mix and you'll live your new life. This is Co-creating with the Divine.

When you realize you've had the power all along to change your life, you ascend and are living in a 5th dimension frequency of consciousness.

I called on the angels for guidance and...

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