Intuitive Insights

Inspiration by Jenn Royster

Intuition | Angels | Energy Healing | Spirituality | Metaphysics

Love is Power: New Moon Solar Eclipse

Love is Power: New Moon Solar Eclipse

- by Jenn Royster

Love is power. That's all we need, that's all there is!  The world can heal from unconditional Love. It can heal anything when we open our hearts to it. 

Love delivers hope, giving us what we need in our darkest hour. There is a growing number of souls awakening at this time. Unconditional love for others and ourselves is the answer. 

I shared some interesting and refreshing insights on the Feb 15th live broadcast about the power of love. The ultimate healing elixir in every way. Watch full episode posted below.


There's also a refreshing joyful vibration that flowed in with the Feb 15th new moon solar eclipse. Just what we need for the positive changes we are working on in our lives. This will create a space to hold Love much easier and right when we need it the most. 

Relationships will be in the spotlight. Giving way to healing and awareness beyond our own...

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Be Love: Healing Your Energy with the Angels

Be Love: Healing Your Energy with the Angels

by - Jenn Royster

Last week (Sept 14, 2017), I did a live broadcast (video archive posted below) on

energy healing with support from the angels and how we can BE the Love we seek. It turned out to be quite an interesting episode! 

All in all we all had a great time uplifting, encouraging and sharing Love. We gathered as a group and sent with intention, Love from our hearts out into the world.

Allowing it to seek out and BE whatever and wherever it was needed. 

The angels have a sense of humor and they know that laughter raises our frequency. Or to put it another way, laughter is healing

You may be thinking, how can laughter be healing?

Here's how: Laughter is energy. Our thoughts, our emotions are all energy that we hold in our energy field. Lifting our energy frequency higher with laughter, positive thoughts, Divine Love and/or using positive affirmations, helps us focus our intention for positive change. This...

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Angel Guidance for July: Love Patience and Peaceful Redirection

Angel Guidance for July

Love, Patience and Peaceful Redirection

- by Jenn Royster

July is just around the corner. With that in mind, I asked the angels for guidance into this month to share with you.  

Archangel Michael has a few pointers for us as we navigate through the recent energies. There's great things on the horizon but it will take patience and positive mindset to see it through.

This doesn't mean oh no what's going to happen? This means we are choosing how we want to play this out. We are in the midst of recreating our lives.

Archangel Gabriel chimed in too. I shared these insights and their angelic guidance on June 29 broadcast. Full video archive below. 

Thanks to the recent new moon in Cancer our hearts are pryed open. We are feeling it, we are emotional, and we are in the moment of great transformation. 

We are learning about Love from a higher expanded heart centered space. We are learning how to love in our truth, and allowing another to...

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Archangel Gabriel Brings Guidance for New Moon May 25

Archangel Gabriel Brings

Guidance for New Moon May 25

- by Jenn Royster

In my daily meditation walk Thursday May 25th, I asked the angels what I needed to share with everyone on the broadcast that morning. I specifically reached out to Archangel Gabriel for guidance on the Super New Moon arriving that afternoon.

I was in awe of a beautiful sound coming from the forest of trees where we walked. I knew it was a message. The sound was like the song of the crickets singing but it wasn't. It was unique and more like that of the Shaman's rattles and drum beats. There was no one around, except myself and my beloved dog Emi. 

I stopped and acknowledged this beautiful sound vibrating through my entire being. Emi heard it too. I listened, and it was the sound of energy shaking up the old energy and replacing it with a fresh new energy.

I felt so much joy in my heart that continued throughout the day. Everything changed and we felt it. 

In the live broadcast that same day, we...

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