Angel Insights: 2023 Neptune Enters Retrograde in Pisces


Angel Insights: 2023 Neptune Enters Retrograde in Pisces

- by Jenn Royster

Affirmation: I am continually growing into a better version of my true self. My intuition holds all the answers I seek.

Angel insights on Neptune Retrograde in Pisces for 2023. Beginning June 30, Neptune makes its move and will last until December 06, 2023.

Neptune is known as the ruler of intuition, spirituality, creativity, dreams, fantasy, illusions, and deceit. When Neptune's energy is strong, it can create a fogginess or confusion. This Neptune veil encourages us to not look to our external world for guidance but to go within for the answers we seek. A simple reminder that the outer world is unclear when we need clarity.

However, when Neptune goes retrograde, the veil lifts, the fog and illusions clear away, and the truths come forward. What was confusing, becomes clear.

Neptune retrograde in Pisces 2023 has us reflecting on whatever events were happening around the first week of December 2022. This will give a clue on what to look for.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • Is there anything I need to review without rose-colored glasses on?
  • Is there a reality check here I need to address?
  • Is there any area where I feel creative blocks?
  • How do I feel about my spiritual journey so far?
  • Any areas I am rethinking?
  • Do I trust my intuition when I make life choices or do I continue to second guess myself?

Overall, Neptune retrograde in its ruling sign, Pisces, will bring whatever needs our attention to the surface to help us grow spiritually. This gives us the opportunity to connect on much deeper levels within ourselves for the truths we seek.

