Intuitive Insights

Inspiration by Jenn Royster

Intuition | Angels | Energy Healing | Spirituality | Metaphysics

Leo Full Moon Venus and Mars Energies Together Feb 2022


Leo Full Moon, Venus and Mars Energies

Align Together February 2022

- by Jenn Royster

Affirmation: I am motivated to find balance in all ways. My life is worthy to be filled with happiness, inspiration and creativity.

The Leo full moon, Venus and Mars align together bringing positivity, joy and the inspiration to balance our lives. Love is the most powerful energy that heals all areas of life.

  • In astrology, the Leo full moon arrives Feb 15-16th and reminds us of the importance of joy and playfulness in our lives. To live and enjoy the present moment.
  • Venus represents sacred feminine energy. The planet of love, harmony, beauty and finance.
  • Mars represents sacred masculine energy, the planet of action, fearlessness and motivation.

Venus and Mars come together on Feb 16th and bring an awakening of these energies.

  • How can we balance our inner feminine/masculine energies within?
  • Take our own self care (self love) seriously?
  • Maybe it’s time to find the balance, level up and be...
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How to Balance Your Life: Angel Guidance

How to Balance Your Life

 Angel Guidance 

- by Jenn Royster

Life balance is the focus for the month of April in all ways. Mind, body and soul balance. This energy that arrived with the recent blue moon on March 31st encourages us to ground into the present moment.

I asked the angels for insights on how we can best move through this for positive results. I share these key points and the angel messages I received on how to balance our life and how important this month will be for all of us in the video below.


April's balancing act does have purpose to help us ascend gracefully. There is a sigh of relief coming as we sort it all out. We have opportunity to rid ourselves of those energies that hold us back. We have opportunity to stand in our Truth. 

Taking time to balance your life now will be most beneficial to you as you create your new future. The higher your frequency resonates, the less you will want to carry around that old energy. It will feel...

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Balancing Act and New Perspectives

Balancing Act and New Perspectives

-by Jenn Royster

We are in the midst of a balancing act. The new moon in Libra arrived October 19, 2017. This moon's energy is all about inner balance and perspective. How do we see our outer world? This is important as we are being urged by the universe to take a peak from a new fresh perspective.

Why? Because from a metaphysical point of view our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. So if things are not where you'd like them to be. Taking a look into your inner world can make all the difference moving forward.

This especially rings true for those in the process of big life changes. Many of us are going some sort of change these days. With that in mind, we explored this new moon's energy and the opportunities it offers in the Oct 19th live broadcast. (watch full episode below)

Of course, we checked in with the angels for their insights and guidance on this matter. They always bring out the best perspective and positive...

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