Intuitive Insights

Inspiration by Jenn Royster

Intuition | Angels | Energy Healing | Spirituality | Metaphysics

Angel Messages: Leo Super New Moon Lead with Your Heart

Angel Messages: Lead with Your Heart

Leo Super New Moon 

- by Jenn Royster

In this episode, I share angel messages that inspire you to tap into your inner wisdom for making the best choices for yourself. We have a black super new moon in Leo arriving July 31st (Aug 1st for some) that will boost your efforts to take charge and lead your life with your heart.

Our heart knows what’s best for us. Do we trust it? Do we listen? Do we take the time to respect, honor and take action on choices that are aligned with our heart’s passion?

Archangels Michael and Raphael are the perfect duo to work with when you are moving through major life changes. They both bring a calm, yet assertive mix of guidance when we need to trust in ourselves to make better choices that support us. I share insights I received from both of them that brings comfort and strength just when we need it. 

The best choices come from the heart. We have what it takes. We just need to trust ourselves...

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Energy Healing with Archangel Raphael

angels energy healing video Jul 19, 2019

Energy Healing with Archangel Raphael

- by Jenn Royster

Archangel Raphael name means “God has healed” and is a powerful healing angel for people and animals. Also known as the physician of heaven or healer.

In this episode, we’ll explore Raphael’s gentle, loving approach and how this angel can help you with physical, emotional and spiritual healing. How you can connect with Archangel Raphael for energy healing guidance.

Watch the full episode below.

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Angel Insights: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse - What Motivates You?

Angel Insights: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

 What Motivates You?

- by Jenn Royster

The angels are supportive with insights as we explore to find what motivates us. 

A full moon partial lunar eclipse in Capricorn arrives July 16, 2019. This will be one of the most transformative celestial events of the year. Worth the effort to explore the possibilities, expand our mind to reach higher, see further and go deeper for answers.

Full moons are always about releasing, eclipses push the event further than we're used to going. This Capricorn event stretches us for expansion beyond our comfort zone.

Time to soar, time to grow, time for self-discovery in what motivates us. Watch the full episode below. 

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Angel Messages July 2019: Spiritual Gifts level Up Abundance Flows

Angel Messages July 2019

Spiritual Gifts level Up Abundance Flows

- by Jenn Royster

In this episode, I share angel messages and insights for the month of July 2019. Spiritual gifts level up, eclipse season begins with the new moon July 2 in Cancer.

Abundance flows in, opportunities present themselves. Spiritual gifts are heightened to receive and guide you. July rolls in with significant support to speed up your advancement.

The messages put an emphasis on working with your guardian angels as we move through this energy. Archangel Michael comes to through to lift the fear away so you can pursue your heart centered choices. 

We have an incredible amount of energy to work with here to level up and tune in with our own spiritual gifts to receive messages from higher realms. 

Watch the full episode below:

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Angel Messages: Intuition is Your Heartโ€™s True Voice

Angel Messages

Intuition is Your Heart’s True Voice

- by Jenn Royster

The angels bring a message of Love that reminds us to find stillness and listen within. We all have a built in compass that activates our inner wisdom through intuition. These messages come from our heart’s true voice.

Do you feel comfortable with yourself? Do you trust what comes from your inner truths calling out to you? Do you honor the Love that comes from within you?

One of the most powerful choices you can make in your spiritual awakening journey is to honor and Love who you are in this moment.

Watch the full episode below: 

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Intuitive Gifts Level Up Under Full Moon June 2019

full moon intuition video Jun 17, 2019

Intuitive Gifts Level Up

Full Moon June 2019

- Jenn Royster

Everyone has intuition. The question is do you trust it or dismiss it? The June 17 2019 full moon in Sagittarius highlights our intuitive gifts. An opportunity to level up and the catch higher vibrational frequencies available.

Under this full moon, tapping into your own intuition and listening to your inner truth is the focus that prepares us for the upcoming months. This is a most opportune time to unlock your inner wisdom and tap into higher realms for answers.

Watch full episode below:

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Angel Messages: Bridge Your Soul Plan and Life Path Choices

Angel Messages

Bridge Your Soul Plan and Life Path Choices

- by Jenn Royster

Time to build that bridge! Opportunity arrives to build a bridge that connects our soul plan with the life choices we have made. Our intuition, connection with the Divine, our soul, angels and spirit guides will be highlighted with messages to help us build this connection.

Our spiritual awakening has led us to this point. The messages, the blessings, the intuitive connection we seek to align with our inner truth. The best is yet to come.

Watch the full episode below

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Angel Messages June 2019: New Truths Come to Light

Angel Messages June 2019

New Truths Come to Light

- by Jenn Royster

Time to take a peak into the month of June 2019 for angel messages and insights. June arrives with lighter energy. Our perception of how we believe things should be much easier to evaluate under this energy.

Do we accept it or want to change our perspective? New truths under the surface of our inner landscape are ready to reveal themselves. Time to lighten up and let the good vibes in. We might be pleasantly surprised.

Watch the full episode below: 

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Archangel Gabriel: Let Creativity and Self Expression Go with the Flow

Archangel Gabriel

Let Your Creativity and Self Expression Go with the Flow

- by Jenn Royster

Archangel Gabriel is known as the messenger angel.   The name means “God is my strength.” Go with the flow appears to be the theme of 2019, a number 3 year in numerology.

Archangel Gabriel is a wonderful angel to call on when you want to tap into your inner creative self and express that to the world. Perfect timing with the current Gemini energy. An air sign that rules over the mind, our thoughts, creativity and self expression.

Time to let your creativity and self expression go with the flow. Watch the full episode below. 

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Spiritual Transformation: Angel Insights on Full Moon in Scorpio

Spiritual Transformation

Angel Insights on Full Moon in Scorpio

- by Jenn Royster

Spiritual transformation is all about releasing, cleansing and transforming your life to align with your authentic self. Spiritual awakening encompasses all of the above with a magnetic boost of motivation in self discovery.

A full moon in Scorpio arrives May 18-19, 2019 (check your local time zone). This is known to be the sign that rules over releasing the old, rebirth and transformation making this full moon a powerful journey within to our authentic self.

In this episode, we check in with the angels for insights into this life changing energy. Watch the full episode below. 

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