Intuitive Insights

Inspiration by Jenn Royster

Intuition | Angels | Energy Healing | Spirituality | Metaphysics

Whereโ€™s Your Energy? 3D 5D or Both?

5d living energy video May 22, 2018

Where’s Your Energy? 3D 5D or Both?

- by Jenn Royster

Have you been feeling the shift in energy recently? There's some interesting experiences happening all around and I have had a few myself. I've been hearing from others that they too, are feeling the back and forth sensation of being in 3D (3rd dimension) and then jump to 5D (5th dimension) reality. 

My curiosity drives me to research and dig deeper for insights into where we are in the ascension energies. There's a lot out there on all of this and that's what we focused on in the May 17th broadcast. (Full episode posted below.)

According to quantum physics, different dimensions exist simultaneously. I know I have had several occurrences of being in a 5D mindset but walking among a 3D setting.

The theory goes, that you if you resonate at a 5D frequency and reality, you can also tap into any other lower frequency such as 3D. Meaning we can only connect to our highest resonating frequency and below.

Yes, you...

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How to Use Fire Element: Manifesting Your Dreams with Archangel Raziel

How to Use Fire Element

Manifesting Your Dreams with Archangel Raziel

- by Jenn Royster

This is one of busiest times of year and of course the universal energies are not easing up on us for a minute. But, that's ok because these energies are waking us up to our fullest potential and reality. 

One of my favorite visualization meditations to do is imagining a world that no longer hurts. It makes me feel better and I am sending out with intention, Love into a world that needs more Love!

Keeping intention in mind, we're moving right along with this massive shift a New Year 2018 with everything we need to make it all happen. INTENTION to create a new and better world for myself and others is on the top of my priority list. 

I asked the angels for insight and what message they wanted me to share this week with you. Guess who came through, and perfect timing for what we need right now, Archangel Raziel. The angel that is known as the keeper of God's...

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