Intuitive Insights

Inspiration by Jenn Royster

Intuition | Angels | Energy Healing | Spirituality | Metaphysics

Angel Guidance: The Fiery Sagittarius Full Moon

Angel Guidance:

The Fiery Sagittarius Full Moon

- by Jenn Royster

There's a full moon on Friday June 09, 2017 at 9:09am Eastern. Fully loaded with fiery Sagittarius energy, this moon brings optimism for big changes.

The intensity will motivate us by turning up the volume on our thoughts and emotions. This brings our deeper wisdom from within to the surface for clarity. This clarity from within will ride the wave of Love to the surface, healing everything in it’s path.

I spent some meditation time on this full moon this week and asked the angels for guidance to help us all make the most of this opportune time.

The angels are supporting us through these massive changes on a daily basis. Yesterday (June 08th) on the live broadcast, I shared angelic messages that will help you navigate your path through this fiery Sagittarius energy. Watch video of this episode below.

Although this energy is strong, it brings our attention to a optimistic perspective for positive...

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Time to Celebrate Life: Angel Guidance for June 2017

Time to Celebrate Life:

Angel Guidance for June 2017

- by Jenn Royster

Now that we are halfway through the year. It's time to celebrate how far you've come. That's right, whether you feel like it or not, the universe is celebrating you. The fact that you're still here on the journey of making this world a better place. Thank you for being you and being here!

You might be asking... how can I feel like celebrating if I don't feel like I've accomplished anything yet? Well, I asked the angels about this and the response was...

"Believe in your abilities as if they were already accomplished. This sets the energy in motion to bring it into the now."

Well of course that's it, we are learning to shift our perspective from wishing, wanting, hoping for a change to a perspective of receiving with gratitude that it's already done and believing it!

I know, the believing part can trip us up, but that's the good news about the current energies. They are supporting us in this effort. So go for...

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Archangel Gabriel Brings Guidance for New Moon May 25

Archangel Gabriel Brings

Guidance for New Moon May 25

- by Jenn Royster

In my daily meditation walk Thursday May 25th, I asked the angels what I needed to share with everyone on the broadcast that morning. I specifically reached out to Archangel Gabriel for guidance on the Super New Moon arriving that afternoon.

I was in awe of a beautiful sound coming from the forest of trees where we walked. I knew it was a message. The sound was like the song of the crickets singing but it wasn't. It was unique and more like that of the Shaman's rattles and drum beats. There was no one around, except myself and my beloved dog Emi. 

I stopped and acknowledged this beautiful sound vibrating through my entire being. Emi heard it too. I listened, and it was the sound of energy shaking up the old energy and replacing it with a fresh new energy.

I felt so much joy in my heart that continued throughout the day. Everything changed and we felt it. 

In the live broadcast that same day, we...

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How Your Spirit Communicates with You

How Your Spirit Communicates with You

- by Jenn Royster

How do we receive the answers we seek from within? That's exactly what we explored on Thursday May 18th on the live broadcast.

Our spirit continually reaches out to us to guide us through life's journey. But are we noticing or acknowledging our spirit's call?

Our angels and spirit guides are all about helping us LISTEN and TRUST our intuition. That includes listening to our own spirit (soul or higher self) This is the truest form of who we are.

We explored many ways our spirit reaches out to us and how important turning inward is at this time of great spiritual awakening. Watch the full episode. 

Highlights from this episode:

1. Good news healing follow up email from a listener in England. Helen shared what's been happening for her since her reading on the show Dec 15, 2016 of last year.

She felt be guided by archangel Raphael and found healing by allowing herself to think out of the box! Congrats to Helen on healing her...

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Angel Insights on How to Be the Hero You Seek

- by Jenn Royster

I recently shared angel insights on how be the hero you seek by tapping into your personal power on the Live broadcast that aired May 11,2017. (watch full episode below)

There's potent energy floating around with the Full Moon in Scorpio which arrived May 10th at 5:42 PM Eastern or May 11th for some of you in other parts of world. 

The effects of a full moon linger for several days prior to it's arrival and afterwords.

The best part, is that this moon's influence is positive. A karmic balancing so to speak. Yes, full moon's are a time to release. But this full moon is also supporting your movement forward in whatever you still need to release.

This will make whatever has been difficult for you to release, much easier to do so now. So take advantage of this moon's energy.

You may also feel a bit down in the dumps. That doesn't mean a negative for you! What it does mean, is that this energy is showing you a clear picture of what's holding you up. What needs to...

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Angel Insights on How to Thrive Now

-by Jenn Royster

A breath of fresh is what May 2017 is all about. It will finally feel a bit lighter and we'll have motivation to move and shift what's needed in our lives.

I shared angel insights from archangels Michael, Jophiel and Metatron the May 04th Live broadcast.

A tip here on what this may feel like for you. (learn more tips in the video posted in this article)

You tolerance is just NOT there in some areas of your life that you know need to change now.

You'll know you're on point when no matter how hard you try to reset that tolerance, it just won't reset. You're done and you know it!

We've had plenty of focus on this thanks to all the retrogrades! But, good news is we're arriving at that moment where we take the reigns of our life and make those changes happen.

Because we're ready, we're done with the old and ready for a fresh new start.

The old programming may be creeping in trying to convince you that this is not good or that you'll make a mess of things and to...

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Taurus New Moon and Angel Guidance for May 2017

- by Jenn Royster

The Taurus New moon arrived April 26th with the energy we need to ground into the new everything! That's right, Taurus slows us down, we catch our breath and now we can ground to this new vibrant energy flowing into us.

 In the August 27th live broadcast of the Jenn Royster Show, I shared angel guidance I received from Archangel Ariel for the upcoming Month of May 2017 and how we can best utilize the opportunities it offers.

We also explored the Taurus new moon that heralds new energy arriving to help us ground into the next phase. The month of May is filled with all things new.

Taurus new moon energy slows things down, is practical and delivers a fresh new perspective that grounds us into the new energy.

During the broadcast, I spoke with two callers. Both had great questions and I delivered answers and angel guidance to them both.  Here's the full episode:

Archangel Ariel brought us fearlessness, strength and a word on compassion for...

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Mastering the April 2017 Retrogrades


- by Jenn Royster

Mastering our energy during this retrograde April 2017 month is no joke. Keeping us busy with several retrogrades over lapping. We took a look into all of these energies on the April 13, 2017 broadcast. (video archive posted in this article)

We're now on the other side of the April 11th full moon that was full of energy and taking us to core issues within.

So many retrogrades at one time can leave you feeling a bit overloaded with reviewing everything as it comes up constantly. I'll go into each one of these in the broadcast and how this is actually a very positive time for healing if we're willing to go the distance.

This month is preparing us for great things to come if we apply ourselves to do the inner work and clean out the closet! We need room for all the NEW waiting to come into our lives. the month of May is when we'll start to see a bit of a turn in this direction.

Your hard work is not a waste of time and energy. On the contrary, this is one of...

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Archangel Gabriel's Guidance for April 2017 - New Moon Energies

- by Jenn Royster

Yesterday March 30th, on the live broadcast, I shared Archangel Gabriel's outlook and guidance for April 2017. He brought brings inspiration and motivation to our lives. April's fresh new energy nurtures all that we do. Creativity flourishes wherever you apply yourself. The energy is abundant to motivate your efforts.
We've been through great changes and still changing. We are now in the new cycle. We have the opportunity to make your new beginning count in every way. The current energies are supporting you to bring you best foot forward. Time to shine!

This energy rings with success in wherever your intentions are focused. Your projects and creative endeavors are supported to shine. Gabriel brings much inspiration and positive energy to April. Make the most of this opportunity while it's here.

Wherever you apply yourself will have the success energy your looking for. April has the energy to reset and align our new beginning positively. Setting us up to...

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Angel Guidance: Spiritual Awakening Overwhelm and New Moon March 28

- by Jenn Royster

We are officially into the new cycle. Our new beginning in big ways. Here's the deal... We just crossed the threshold into this new existence. Still feeling the shifting feelings from one moment to the next? The big question out there... what do we do now?

How did you experience the equinox? Since we're all going through this together. I'll share mine. I was feeling on top of the world the day prior, then on the equinox (March 20th) several physical quirks, aches and pains. A little dizziness and foggy focus (or should I say, lack of focus). Then wake up on the next day (March 21) full of energy, clear focus and feeling balance!

I knew it was the energy transition. I could feel that it wasn't just on a physical level, but emotions were changing from one minute to the next, and thoughts jumping from one topic to the next much quicker. I felt, the past, present and future at the same time. I guess you could say I felt all of the above and then some.

Yes, it's like...

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