Intuitive Insights

Inspiration by Jenn Royster

Intuition | Angels | Energy Healing | Spirituality | Metaphysics

Fresh Perspective Arrives: Sagittarius Full Moon

Fresh Perspective Arrives:

Sagittarius Full Moon

- by Jenn Royster

May 29th full moon in Sagittarius and brings fresh new insights to our daily lives. We have opportunity to see our greatest challenges through a different lens.

Think... What would the opposite of this scenario be? 

Of course I checked in with the angels for guidance on this new exciting energy. They always have a way of showing me something new to share with you that helps me too! Love the way the universe does that. 

That's what this full moon brings to the table. New perspective, fresh new ideas and that means better choices and opportunities will reveal themselves to us. Are you up for the positive challenge of seeing your world in a new light? 

Most of us are ready for something new to emerge and replace the old. We explored all that this full moon has to offer us in the episode posted below. 


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Where’s Your Energy? 3D 5D or Both?

5d living energy video May 22, 2018

Where’s Your Energy? 3D 5D or Both?

- by Jenn Royster

Have you been feeling the shift in energy recently? There's some interesting experiences happening all around and I have had a few myself. I've been hearing from others that they too, are feeling the back and forth sensation of being in 3D (3rd dimension) and then jump to 5D (5th dimension) reality. 

My curiosity drives me to research and dig deeper for insights into where we are in the ascension energies. There's a lot out there on all of this and that's what we focused on in the May 17th broadcast. (Full episode posted below.)

According to quantum physics, different dimensions exist simultaneously. I know I have had several occurrences of being in a 5D mindset but walking among a 3D setting.

The theory goes, that you if you resonate at a 5D frequency and reality, you can also tap into any other lower frequency such as 3D. Meaning we can only connect to our highest resonating frequency and below.

Yes, you...

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Good News: Angel Guidance for May 2018

Angel Guidance for May 2018

Good News: Optimistic Energy and a Sigh of Relief

- by Jenn Royster

May 2018 is loaded with fabulous energy. In the May 3rd live broadcast, I shared the angel guidance I received for the month. This not only inspires us and lifts our hearts, but also wakes up the momentum we need to move forward.

The energy is optimistic and a sigh of relief from what we've been feeling in the past month or few months for some. However, it's not a month to sit around and do nothing.  This month brings active relief. Infused with exhilarating energy to motivate you. Delays, obstacles or hesitations fade away.

It will also be much easier to see a positive viewpoint and know which direction you want to take dreams and manifesting for the future. Personal or career, this month brings exhilarating energy to your plans.

The angels brought insights in how we can best tap into this positive vibe and sail through this month. Archangel Michael came through...

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Who is Archangel Haniel? Intuitive Skills and Moon Cycles

Who is Archangel Haniel?

Intuitive Skills and Moon Cycles

- by Jenn Royster

Archangel Haniel also known as Anael is associated with the energy of moon cycles, intuitive skills and healing. Haniel's name means grace of God and that's exactly what I experience whenever I work with this beautiful angel.

Haniel brings much to the table. Known in ancient times to be associated with astrology, divination and spiritual healing. There's much we can learn working with this angel. 

The recent New Moon in Aries on April 15, 2018  arrived with powerful energy as mercury went direct. Making this an interesting  time for big changes and life balance.  A theme which is proving to be a priority through the month of April. 

Archangel Haniel is a wonderful angel to work with when you are sensitive to the moon cycles and /or working with your intuitive skills. There is a graceful energy that simply settles you in for the journey inward. Fear fades away as...

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How to Clear Your Throat Chakra: Archangel Gabriel

How to Clear Your Throat Chakra

with Archangel Gabriel

- by Jenn Royster

Archangel Gabriel brings a message to express yourself this week. We're going to be focusing on the throat chakra (aka 5th Chakra). 

Archangel Gabriel is the angel of communication and creativity.

Her name means "God as my strength" and is known for helping both parents and children. She is also known to help those with a life purpose in communication and art.

This is why Gabriel is wonderful to work with for everyone pursuing a new way of life. Which we are all doing at the moment. 

If this resonates with you... then you're busy creating, designing and/or redesigning your path. Your days are filled with learning a massive amount of new information.

The throat chakra is key in your delivery of whatever you're creating. Not just speaking, but your voice can be heard through how your present yourself to the world. Do they see the real you?

We focused on clearing our throat chakras  in the...

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Be Fearless to Become Limitless: Archangel Metatron

Be Fearless to Become Limitless

Archangel Metatron Brings Good News

- by Jenn Royster

Once you become fearless, life becomes limitless. 

I love this saying and felt inspired by it while watching the full blue blood moon eclipse we had on Jan. 31st. I wanted to share it with you and inspire you too to tap into those dreams you want to live. 

February rolled in and yes, the energy continues to support the vast changes we are all going through. February arrived with good news. Opportunities come knocking.
The biggest thing I see interfering with opportunity is our own fear to step into the unknown. I feel that too sometimes. We are all in this shift together. 

I asked the angels about this specifically and shared what I received on the Feb. 1st. live broadcast. (watch full episode below) Archangel Metatron came through with great insights. 

Archangel Metatron is associated with the Merkaba, which is a vehicle for ascension. That is...

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Intuition and Moon Energy: Connect with Archangel Haniel

Intuition and Moon Energy

Connect with Archangel Haniel

- by Jenn Royster

Jan 31, 2018 delivers a rare and potent Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse. I reached out and asked the angels for insight into this event and Archangel Haniel (aka: Anael) came through. This angel is associated with intuition and moon energy. 

Archangel Haniel comes through gracefully. She is know as the angel of joy. Empowering us with a gentle nudge and an angel hug of support when we need it the most. Her energy has a calming effect when emotions are getting the best of us. Haniel is also known for helping us on our inward journey for healing and intuitive abilities. 

Some people feel the moon's energy more than others as it cycles through phases. If you're one of them, you're likely to be highly sensitive to energy and intuition is heightened. This moon in particular will be even more so. 

Maybe you've never felt these energies and now things are changing for...

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Time to Soar: Archangel Michael Guidance

Time to soar is proving to be the theme for year 2018. The energy continues to support the changes we seek. Archangel Michael’s guidance is a refreshing welcome to help us achieve our goals this year. His encouragement and energy comes through like a personal trainer to inspire us to bring it. 
In the Jan 18th broadcast I shared insights and a 3 step plan. Thank you archangel Michael for reminding me of this tool. This brings motivation and action to make changes. 

Here’s the breakdown:
note: I explain in detail how to use the plan and how it works in the video. 

  • Think back to where is all began. How, why, when, where and the emotions attached. 
  • Make the decision to change now in your present day and begin focusing on how you want your life to be. 
  • Visualize a time in your future where you are living fully in this new way of life.


Together, the 3 step plan and the 11 master number energy will support you to launch your...

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Angel Insights for New Year 2018

Angel Insights for New Year 2018

- by Jenn Royster

Happy New Year from the bottom of my heart! We've been through the ringer with 2017. Good news is that this year is all about new beginnings. 

In numerology, this year is a master number 11. Meaning it's seriously about to get real on manifesting brand new realities. If you're seeing the numbers 1111 or 111 or 11 or 1010 etc.. or any combination repeatedly. Take note, these numbers are all about change, manifesting and keeping your thoughts positive as much as possible. 

This year brings opportunity to really change the way we live and what we experience. That means all that we've been hearing on focusing our thoughts and intentions positively on what we want, is now taking a front and center priority. 

We took a peek on the Jan 04th broadcast into the New Year with angel insights and guidance for each month of 2018, beginning with Jan all the way to Dec. (Watch full episode...

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How to Use Fire Element: Manifesting Your Dreams with Archangel Raziel

How to Use Fire Element

Manifesting Your Dreams with Archangel Raziel

- by Jenn Royster

This is one of busiest times of year and of course the universal energies are not easing up on us for a minute. But, that's ok because these energies are waking us up to our fullest potential and reality. 

One of my favorite visualization meditations to do is imagining a world that no longer hurts. It makes me feel better and I am sending out with intention, Love into a world that needs more Love!

Keeping intention in mind, we're moving right along with this massive shift a New Year 2018 with everything we need to make it all happen. INTENTION to create a new and better world for myself and others is on the top of my priority list. 

I asked the angels for insight and what message they wanted me to share this week with you. Guess who came through, and perfect timing for what we need right now, Archangel Raziel. The angel that is known as the keeper of God's...

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