Intuitive Insights

Inspiration by Jenn Royster

Intuition | Angels | Energy Healing | Spirituality | Metaphysics

Angel Insights Focus on Abundance Harmony and Stability

Angel Insights Focus on Abundance Harmony and Stability

- by Jenn Royster

AFFIRMATION: I align with the frequency of abundance in all ways. -Jenn Royster

Angel insights bring our focus on abundance, harmony and stability in our lives.

  • Are we achieving our goals? Take a look at what you've set out to achieve in the past year. What's still pending? What needs some work? What needs to be started? Get organized and grounded and start! 
  • Are we living harmoniously in body, mind and soul? This is a balancing act of self care, healthy diet, exercise for the body. Meditation does wonders for the mind and grounds us into the present. We need to be present to manifest our tomorrow. The soul speaks to us through our passions, dreams and heart centered choices. Our intuition speaks to us but are we listening? Our soul knows what to do and knows our soul purpose. We find confidence to take action when we trust our intuition and listen to our soul.
  • What about our...
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Angel Insights: Jupiter Saturn Conjunction and 2021 Forecast

Angel Insights: Jupiter Saturn Conjunction

New Year 2021 Forecast

- by Jenn Royster

The age of Aquarius brings innovation, creativity and community.

In this episode we’ll ask the angels for insights into the New Year 2021. The Jupiter Saturn conjunction on December 21 2020 delivers a game plan for the new year. The age of Aquarius is a strong energy felt throughout the year.

We have quite the innovative year ahead of us with creative energies leading the way. Thinking out of the box and finding our best way to get it done wherever we make landfall.

2020 has taught us to flex, be patient and adjust to an ever changing landscape. Now we are stronger with the ability to see beyond the horizon.

Equipped with creative ideas while seeing the bigger picture, we are ready to embark on a new adventure.

UPDATED: Due to audio technical difficulties at the beginning of the show. The episode has been adjusted to start at 13:22 minutes. This is where audio is fixed and I started...

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Angel Insights: Manifesting Takes Action When Mars Goes Direct

Angel Insights on Manifesting

Take Action When Mars Goes Direct

- by Jenn Royster

Food for thought... Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right!

In this episode, the angels bring insights on strengthening our manifesting skills. In particular, Archangel Michael encourages us to get organized and work on our plan of action. (See LOA tip below)

Mars energy is all about taking action and motivation to get things done. Mars goes direct on November 13, 2020.

For the past two months, Mars in retrograde took us internally to figure out our next move. When Mars goes direct, this delivers the motivation we need for manifesting our dreams into reality.

LOA (Law of attraction) tip:  Bring your focus and intentions on your heart’s true passion. Then with a little organization and planning, you can tap into this universal gift and bring those dreams into fruition.

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1111 Angel Numbers and Insights for November 2020

1111 Angel Numbers and Insights for November 2020

- by Jenn Royster

Season 10 Episode 65

Angels numbers 111 and 1111 are popping up in first half of November right after the Taurus blue moon on October 31.  Tension begins to lift and we see where we landed. Completion is the theme in the second half of the month and a big reveal moment arrives at the end with the lunar eclipse. We’ll ask the angels for insights as we move through the month of November 2020.

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Archangel Raguel Insights: Libra Super New Moon

Archangel Raguel Insights

Libra Super New Moon

- by Jenn Royster

A balanced life is an inner journey.

Archangel Raguel is know as the angel of justice, fairness and balance. October 16, 2020 super new moon in Libra is also about life balance. Combined with Mars and Mercury in retrograde at the same time could feel challenging under the strong moon energies.

Archangel Raguel brings his gentle guidance reminding us of the opportunity for deeper spiritual awakenings and deeper intuitive connection. No matter how confusing the outside world appears to be, our inward landscape knows the way to a clear path.

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Archangel Raziel: Manifesting in Final Mercury Retrograde of 2020

Archangel Raziel: Manifesting 

Final Mercury Retrograde of 2020

- by Jenn Royster

Archangel Raziel is known as the keeper of God’s secrets and holds the keys that unlock the mysteries of the universe. AA Raziel’s wisdom can help us tap into our psychic abilities and discover new spiritual insights. In this episode, we’ll focus on how AA Raziel can teach us understanding about the law of attraction to raise our manifesting skills to a higher level.

The perfect time to connect with AA Raziel will be in the Final Mercury retrograde for the year 2020. This retrograde begins in the water sign of Scorpio offering opportunity to open up and receive intuitive insights. We won’t have another Mercury retrograde in a water sign again until 2022. This Mercury retrograde will end November 03, 2020 in the air sign of Libra.

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Live show airs Thursdays at 11am Eastern

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Archangel Raphael: Self Care and Healing in Transformative Times

Archangel Raphael: Self Care

Healing in Transformative Times

- by Jenn Royster

Archangel Raphael is known as the healing angel or physician of heaven. The perfect angel to guide us through transformative times. AA Raphael offers self care and healing guidance in all areas of life including emotional, physical and spiritual. 

The year 2020 has kept us out of our comfort zone, on our toes and constantly evolving into one of the most historical times on record. As we enter the last four months of 2020, the universe continues to send energies to help us wrap up the year.

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September 2020 Angel Insights: Protection for Big Transitions

September 2020 Angel Insights

Protection for Big Transitions

- by Jenn Royster

September 2020 arrives with strong energetic patterns. We’ll check in with Archangels Michael, Haniel, Chamuel and Raguel for insights on September’s forecast through astrology, numerology and the tarot.
Although the universe brings strong astrological alignments for transformation, it also offers protection and support for positive change and spiritual growth.
We begin the process of wrapping up all the transitions we have underway for the year 2020.

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Live show airs on Thursday at 11am Eastern.

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Angel Guidance for July 2020

Angel Guidance for July 2020 

- by Jenn Royster

The angels bring guidance for July 2020. This month starts off with the final eclipse of the season on July 4-5 which will wrap up what we’ve been working on since 2018.
Life will begin to settle and feel calmer. 2020 has been a major transformative year and now July brings the energy to rejuvenate.

A time to recharge ourselves, detox and feel lighter. After all, we’ve been busy this year. This prepares us for the last part of the year when things begin to ramp up in September. Choose wisely and make the most of this restful opportunity.

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Angel Insights on Neptune Retrograde in Pisces

Angel Insights on Neptune Retrograde in Pisces

 Spiritual Awareness and Law of Attraction

- by Jenn Royster

Angel insights bring our attention to spiritual awareness and the law of attraction. We are reminded that all the power to shift our reality is in our hands.

Neptune Retrograde in Pisces is June 22 - November 29, 2020. Neptune is the planet of illusions, dreams, unconditional love, higher dimensions and wishes.

Neptune retrograde also brings discernment and seeing things the way they truly are. This is helpful when fine tuning our focus on what we want to attract to our lives.

This brings us to a total of 6 planets in retrograde at this time.

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