Angel Insights: Manifesting Takes Action When Mars Goes Direct

Angel Insights on Manifesting

Take Action When Mars Goes Direct

- by Jenn Royster

Food for thought... Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right!

In this episode, the angels bring insights on strengthening our manifesting skills. In particular, Archangel Michael encourages us to get organized and work on our plan of action. (See LOA tip below)

Mars energy is all about taking action and motivation to get things done. Mars goes direct on November 13, 2020.

For the past two months, Mars in retrograde took us internally to figure out our next move. When Mars goes direct, this delivers the motivation we need for manifesting our dreams into reality.

LOA (Law of attraction) tip:  Bring your focus and intentions on your heart’s true passion. Then with a little organization and planning, you can tap into this universal gift and bring those dreams into fruition.

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