Intuitive Insights

Inspiration by Jenn Royster

Intuition | Angels | Energy Healing | Spirituality | Metaphysics

How to Align Your Heart for 5D Living

How to Align Your Heart for 5D Living

- by Jenn Royster

5D (5th dimension) living is about aligning your hearts and shifting to a higher frequency. This is where you'll see a fresh new perspective on life.

Your NOW is where everything happens. This is where you have power to choose or change your path. Now is the time to make those changes you've always wanted.

What's your frequency? It's all begins within your heart. A question to ask yourself,

How can I start living a 5D lifestyle?

Whether you felt a shift within you or not, the Aug 21st solar eclipse will have influence for the next 6 months.

What that means is that we have 6 months to make the most of this energy for big changes in our lives. This energy supports change for the better presenting an opportune time to make those big changes.

How? That's what I shared on Thursday August 24th broadcast. (watch full episode below) Now, it's time to start aligning with a 5D frequency.

It's all about what resides within...

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