Intuitive Insights

Inspiration by Jenn Royster

Intuition | Angels | Energy Healing | Spirituality | Metaphysics

New Chapter Begins Angel Messages May 2020

angels astrology podcast Apr 29, 2020

New Chapter Begins

Angel Messages May 2020

- by Jenn Royster

In this episode, I'm going to share angel messages that support us through yet another big month of transitions. May 2020 is loaded with astrological events. The entire year has been a major transformative year and now we approach a gateway into a new chapter.

We start off the month with a major lunar node change which relates to our soul lessons, followed by a super full moon in Scorpio. Then several planets go retrograde, and by the end of the month we approach eclipse season.

We may feel overwhelmed by so much change, but underneath this energy gently nudges us to open our hearts, find creative solutions and inspiration.

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Energy Healing with the Angels

angels energy healing video Mar 18, 2020

Energy Healing with the Angels

- by Jenn Royster

We're sending energy healing to the world. We're in this together.

Energy Healing is available to everyone. We can reset our energy field and raise our vibration to align with the higher frequency energies flowing in at this time. 

The angels support us, walk with us, encourage us as we go through historical transformative times. Angels bring hope and compassion in challenging times. We are in the midst of great change and opportunities are aligning to set intentions for a brand new cycle.

Within a few days we’ll experience the potent energies of the equinox March 19-20 Sun enters Aries. Then on March 20-21 the Mars-Jupiter Conjunction and then the new moon in Aries on March 24th.

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You may feel isolated physically, but we are united energetically. The world is moving through this together, we can use togetherness to send energy healing to all the world.

You will lift and heal your own...

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Major Game Changer: Energy Shifts Prepare Us for a New Cycle

Major Game Changer

Energy Shifts Prepare Us for a New Cycle

- by Jenn Royster

March 2020 is a major game changer that brings us the energy we need for transition to a new cycle that arrives later in the month.

Virgo Super Full Moon, Mercury stations direct and the keynote energy will be Saturn leaving Capricorn and entering Aquarius for the first time since 1991-1994.
Saturn brings lessons and gifts to our spiritual awakening.

It’s time to move on and let a new cycle begin lifting the blocks that set us free. The angels are always with us, ready to keep us positively inspired to make the necessary changes to align with our truth.

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Mercury Retrograde and Pisces New Moon Power of Mind and Soul Unite

angels astrology video Feb 19, 2020

Mercury Retrograde and Pisces New Moon

Power of Mind and Soul Unite

- by Jenn Royster

The first Mercury retrograde of 2020 will offer a reflective time of the mind to upgrade and access higher dimensions. The mind is a powerful force, your will power is the fuel that motivates action.

This retrograde will last February 17th - March 10th and will overlap with a Pisces New Moon on Feb 23rd. Mercury is all about communications, the mind, our thoughts and thinking clearly.

The Pisces New moon urges us to do a little soul diving. This opens up our intuition and the inner truths. The mind, our thoughts and our soul with be working together to clarify our next steps.

This is an opportunity to listen, and improve how we communicate with others and build healthy relationships that support our soul. An opportunity to see a new world in a new way. 

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Angel Messages: Emotions Felt Deeply with First New Moon of 2020

angels astrology video Jan 24, 2020

Angel Messages: Emotions Felt Deeply

with First New Moon of 2020 

- by Jenn Royster

In this episode the angels deliver supportive messages and uplifting support to help us process those deeply felt emotions.
The arrival of the first new moon of 2020 in the sign of Aquarius is a strong vibration that will last the entire year. This will help us sort out those feelings that need to be acknowledged, healed and released.
Emotional freedom leads with an open heart. An open heart sends and receives love.
Yes, this is one of those moments out of our comfort zone but will also be one of the most beautiful experiences we will benefit from in 2020.

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1212 Healing vibrations roll In with full moon in Gemini

1212 Healing Vibrations Roll In

- by Jenn Royster

In the 12th month on the 12th day at 12:12am Eastern the full moon arrives in Gemini.

The angels bring messages of love and insight as strong healing vibrations roll in to assist us in whatever we are sorting out. They have a way of letting us know they've got us covered. What a comfort to know we have these beautiful angelic creatures in our corner. 

Archangel Michael brings just what we need to feel safe out of our comfort zone  and to feel empowered to forge new ground. 

In numerology, 1212 is a powerful activation code that raises our frequency to see the bigger picture. With a new perspective we have the ability to see clearly and make better choices moving forward. 

1212 spiritual meaning begins with the number one which stands for new beginnings. Followed by number two which means to take a step out into a brand new direction.

Yes, we are feeling expansion, yes we will feel out of our comfort zone, but we...

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New Approach Big Changes: Angel Guidance Dec 2019

angels astrology video Dec 06, 2019

New Approach Big Changes

Angel Guidance Dec 2019

- by Jenn Royster

A new approach means big changes. This is going to be fully loaded month of energy to help us wrap up where we’ve been and prepare us for where we’re going 2020. This is a rebirth in its finest hour.
The angels bring guidance to support our journey as we leave behind the old and navigate new territory.
Our soul urges us reach out and expand. We are living in a new cycle. Anything is possible. Dream big and then believe it.

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Angel Messages: 5D Energy Expands Love and Abundance

Angel Messages on 5D Energy

Love and Abundance Expanding

- by Jenn Royster

We are expanding more that ever before. We are reaching further out and expanding into 5D (5th dimension) frequencies filled with more Love and abundance for all.
The angels support us as we navigate the spiritual journey. All we have to do is ask and they will answer and be there with you.

We are worthy of abundance in all ways filled with Love, freedom and creative adventure. Ready for something new, exciting and different?

This energy supports your efforts.

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Archangel Haniel: Spiritual Awakening Intuition Inner Truth

Archangel Haniel: Spiritual Awakening Intuition Inner Truth

- by Jenn Royster

Archangel Haniel is the angel of joy, love and passion for life. Haniel’s name means “Grace of God” She resonates a feminine energy that nurtures and supports us in any challenge.
Spiritual awakening is on the rise and sheds light on inner truths we never saw before. Our intuition wakes up, we feel the shift physically and emotionally as we heal, release and make new life choices.
Connecting with Archangel Haniel is a beautiful uplifting experience when we are adjusting to a new higher frequency of living.

This episode includes a guided meditation with Archangel Haniel. 

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Angel Messages: September 2019

angels astrology video Aug 30, 2019

Angel Messages: September 2019

-by Jenn Royster

Angel messages on August 30 New Moon and the month of September 2019.  Harmony in action is what Virgo New Moon brings to September. Priorities take shape to organize life essentials.

Reflecting on who, what and where we spend our time and energy connects us with our inner truth. Do adjustments need to be made? Now is the time to just BE present. Focused intention clarifies where we need to bring harmony to our lives. 

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