Number 88 Manifesting: Leo New Moon and Lions Gate Align

Number 88  Manifesting

Leo New Moon and Lions Gate Align

- by Jenn Royster

Affirmation: I am bold and courageous. I build my life’s foundation and choose its contents.

In numerology the number 88 represents infinity, abundance and spiritual awareness. This date is one of those manifesting power days every year.

However,  this year on Aug 08 2021, according to astrology, we have what’s called the Lion’s Gate Portal aligning on the same day as the Leo new moon. This portal is associated with the rising star Sirius and is considered to be our spiritual sun. Ancient civilizations tracked Sirius and believed in it power of abundance.

Together they bring us an amplified manifesting day. This will be a good time to pay special attention to what you want to manifest in our life. A turbo charged day to unlock greater awareness and set the course of your journey ahead. Leo new moon reminds us that heart centered dreams represent our true self and deliver the best intentions for manifesting.

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