May 2021 Energy Outlook: Challenges and Rewards

May 2021 Energy Outlook: Challenges and Rewards

- by Jenn Royster

Affirmation: I let go and embrace change. Now I see new opportunities to explore and so it is…

DESCRIPTION: May 2021 energy arrives with the potential for challenging energy. However, rewards are riding in on the coat tail.

In this episode we’ll take a look at the astrological line ups in May and ask the angels for insights on how to best navigate for the best outcome.

May is a pivotal month in 2021. Highlights include the first rare blood moon eclipse since 2019 and Jupiter moves into Pisces for the first time since 2009.

Unexpected endings may present themselves with the blood moon eclipse but offer soul growth opportunities to level up.

Jupiter is the planet of expansion and abundance. Open your eyes to the possibilities of your gifts and talents.
Focus on letting go of what falls away and going with the flow of expanding your horizons.

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