Archangel Jophiel: Frequency Shift of the Heart

Archangel Jophiel: Frequency Shift of the Heart

- by Jenn Royster

 Fear based choices entrap us. Heart based choices free us.

With all the energy flowing around us with 5 retrogrades, a recent lunar eclipse Aug 7th and the upcoming total solar eclipse on Aug 21st, we are well on our way to pushing up and out of 3D living. This is no joke, rocking our world to the very core to build a new and better one in the 5D living.

I am excited to share good news I received from Archangel Jophiel. In my meditation for this week's broadcast on Thursday Aug 10th, Archangel Jophiel came through. 

I asked Archangel Jophiel for validation to clearly hear his message for this week. Low and behold, I had two visitors pop in to clarify the message. Two Carolina wrens showed up making quite the fuss on my balcony. Staring at me through my glass door as though they were wondering, where are you? We need to speak with you immediately!

I knew it was the clarity I had asked for. I love it when they send nature to answer the questions I ask.  Wrens you see, are quite the busy workers, they are creative making a nest just about anywhere. They find a way no matter what the obstacle. They never give up! They are bold and fearless making themselves known with confidence.

This is exactly what we need to free ourselves from old blocks and make our mark in this world. Not just make our mark, but truly make our True selves be known and shine bright in a brand new world. We are creating the world we seek to live in now. So make every intention, every thought and every action count towards bringing out your Truest self. 

This is what the world needs to see. All of us standing up and claiming our place as our True Self. This is healing the world from within! It's the key, Divine Love powers through all of us, healing everything in it's path when we are living in our True Self. 

It's been within us all the whole time, we just needed to find our own way to see this is the pathway. 

Watch video archive of this episode below:

This archangel always comes through to me with a gentle positive vibration. One that soothes the soul indeed. Perfect timing as we ride the current frequency waves of change.

Archangel Jophiel is all about seeing the beauty of your emotions. That's right, the beauty of your emotions. This angel's high vibration radiates positive energy through and through, no matter how we are feeling in the moment.

If you are feeling tossed about by these powerful frequency waves. Fear not! Archangel Jophiel can help you lift your frequency up and out of the waves for a breath of fresh air.

If you are feeling pushed and pulled or overwhelmed by these energies, Archangel Jophiel can help you find your way and lift your thoughts positively. We all need a positive nudge at times when the going gets tough.

Archangel Jophiel is indeed the angel to call on when you're feeling down and out.

All of the current energies are shedding quite a bit of old dense energies away. Much will fall away and we don't want to fall into the trap of trying to hold onto it. That's easy to do when that dense energy is familiar to us. Even though we know it needs to go away, we hold on in fear of being out of our comfort zone.

Remember: Fear based choices entrap us. Heart based choices free us.

AFFIRMATION: I release all fear based thinking and beliefs. I choose to live through my heart's passions. I AM FREE.
and so it is...
