Angel Insights: Sept. Equinox and Full Moon

Angel Insights: Sept. 2018

Equinox and Full Moon

- by Jenn Royster

Be Fearless. Be Free

Be fearless and free comes into focus. The energy stirs with positive change. I share  angel insights on the September 22 equinox and September 24 full moon in this episode. We cover quite a bit!

The equinox brings our focus to healthy relationships choices and life balance. The full moon sheds light on the imbalance we need to see and motivates us to release and heal deep wounds.

Completion of the old and adjusting to change makes way for success in new goals coming into view. 

There 's a fine line where we choose to break through or hold back. Archangel Michael came through strong in this episode. He's letting us know, when we're ready, he's there for us. 

The choice to be free is a major breakthrough in our spiritual awakening. We choose for ourselves when we are ready to make this move towards higher ascended living.

There's strength on the fine line of choices lying just under the surface waiting to be discovered. When we tap into this strength, we bravely align with our Higher Self where fear cannot reside. 

Watch full episode posted below. 


Join us for the next upcoming episode. We broadcast LIVE on Thursdays at 11am Eastern. 
