Tips and How to's: Spiritual Awakening Signs and Ascension Symptoms


Tips and How to's: Spiritual Awakening Signs and Ascension Symptoms

Ease Gracefully into this Extraordinary Experience

- by Jenn Royster

The spiritual awakening experience is unique to everyone. In the April 19th live broadcast I shared how to recognize the signs, tips on how to ease the symptoms and  move gracefully through this event. It feels so personal yet it's happening all over the globe as many more begin to open their eyes. 

It's really an energy healing experience on a much larger scale. Energy healing where we take responsibility for our own healing. We are the healer of our lives. An empowering event that changes our lives for the better. 

I love the old saying:

We are human beings, not human doings.  

When we accept the path to spiritual awakening, we begin the journey of learning a new way of BEING a better human everyday. Why? Because at the core of who we truly are is a spiritual being living in a physical human reality. 

When spiritual awakening begins to take us to another level (a higher frequency of energy) we may feel what is known as ascension symptoms along the way. This shedding of old energy is necessary to move forward. They differ from one individual to another. But, they all lead us to on the road to soul growth and our true selves. 

I went over some of the most common ascension symptoms and viewers and listeners shared what they were experiencing. I also shared my recent personal ascension experience . You see, we are all going through some sort of shift. 

We are living in the midst of an extraordinary event that will change us for the better if we accept. The ascension signs and symptoms are being felt by many people. Of course, you could reject this idea of moving on to positive living. But why would you?

In the beginning of an awakening, it's common to not realize what's happening. That's when things get interesting. Because more than not, we automatically respond to whatever is happening the way we always do. But we find it doesn't work like before. That's a clue we need to look for better options. This begins the journey to expand awareness. 

Awareness and ascension go hand in hand. As we expand our awareness, grow through the challenges to the ah ha moments, we ascend. I share much more in this episode posted below. Here's the link to the FREE class I mention in this video.




AFFIRMATION: I AM the change I seek. I AM healing everyday and ascend gracefully. I choose positive living NOW. 

and so it is... 

Join us for the Live broadcast on Thursdays at 11am Eastern. Visit the Show page for upcoming episodes.

