Express Yourself: Angel Insights June 2018

Express Yourself

Angel Insights June 2018

- by Jenn Royster

June is here and arrives with an energy trio of good vibes. Self expression is supported through stability and creativity. The perfect combination to bring your projects to fruition.

June 2018 supports your truest self expression which manifests positive results when we respect ourselves in every way. There's opportunity for self talk to be examined and updated to better support you throughout the rest of the year.

Grab hold of this energy and take it with you in whatever you choose to do. It will strengthen your spirit for your journey to a better way of life.

We all see the negative trying to hang on for dear life. Let it go and redirect your focus. We have choices and we are supported in every way.

When we believe in our ourselves, our dreams and self worth. We are manifesting great things to come into our lives. The angels support us when we take action and choose to honor ourselves.

All this aligns for perfect timing to express yourself and love it! Remember, to add a little time out for balance and self care and you’re ready to thrive in June’s energy.

We went over this and insights from the angels on June energy in the May 31st broadcast. (Watch full episode below)

Archangels Michael and Chamuel came through with messages that inspire and motivate us for June's energy. 

