Deep Self Discovery: Taurus North Node and Scorpio South Node


Deep Self Discovery

Taurus North Node and Scorpio South Node

- by Jenn Royster

Affirmation: I choose to discover who I AM and be that!

The universe offers us an opportunity for deeper self discovery. In astrology, mathematical points are called lunar nodes located between the Moon and the Sun.

On January 19, 2022, the lunar nodes shift into Taurus and Scorpio for next 18 months. The North Node in Taurus represents what we are striving to achieve and our destiny. The South Node in Scorpio represents the foundation we build on and the past.

In this episode, we explore what Taurus and Scorpio energies offer for a deeper dive into self discovery of what we value and what is worthwhile for all. The opportune time to discover who you are and be that!

We carry inside us the wonders we seek outside us. - Rumi

What’s changing in the world and what do we need to accept? This will an interesting 18 months to watch unfold. 

Mentioned in this episode: Dealing with Negativity
