Archangel Gabriel: Mercury Retrograde in Air Signs


Archangel Gabriel

Mercury Retrograde in Air Signs

- by Jenn Royster

AFFIRMATION: I listen, respect and communicate clearly with others.

Archangel Gabriel is the angel of communications, creativity and seeing the bigger picture. Obviously, this is the angel for sorting out how we communicate, express ourselves and listen to others.

On September 26th we will enter the last Mercury Retrograde for the year 2021. This will be in the air sign of Libra and lasts until October 18th.

Mercury loves airs signs, therefore, this intensifies the energy of this retrograde. The throat chakra is the energy power center that processes how we express ourselves to the world and listen.

Could we do better? This is the perfect time to do some throat chakra (aka 5th Chakra) clearing and balancing. We’ll go over how to determine if your throat chakra is balanced or blocked and how to clear the energy if needed.

Watch the full episode here in this post. (no ads) 

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