Angel Messages for June 2020

Angel Messages for June 2020

- by Jenn Royster

In this episode, I share angel messages for the month of June 2020. In astrology June has a busy line up. I go through each event and share the angel messages for each one.  We have several planets in retrograde and two eclipses to name a few. 

Here's the line up for June 2020 astrological events: 

  • June 3: Rebirth of Venus
  • June 5: Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse
  • June 17: Mercury Retrograde
  • June 20/21: Cancer Season, Solstice, and Cancer Solar Eclipse
  • June 22: Neptune Retrograde
  • June 24/25: Venus Direct
  • June 27: Mars enters Aries
  • June 29: Retrograde Jupiter Conjunct Retrograde Pluto

It’s a month of change and slowing down thanks to the universe. We are speaking out, claiming our truth and seeking to heal our hearts and emotions. Everything comes to the surface for healing. We have great opportunity to let go of the old and move forward. June is a pivotal month for change. 

Watch this episode: 
