Angel Insights: Leo New Moon Uranus Retrograde and Mars Pluto Align

angels astrology podcast video Aug 12, 2020

Angel Insights: Leo New Moon

Uranus Retrograde and Mars Pluto Align

The courage to strive for progress, not perfection builds inner strength to overcome anything.

- Jenn Royster

In this episode, Angel insights on August 2020 new moon in Leo, Uranus retrograde and the Mars Pluto Square alignment. We’ll take a peek at several highlighted points for all three of these energies.

Then we’ll ask the angels for insights on how we can overcome setbacks the year 2020 has thrown at us, and how can we make the most of the last remaining months of 2020.

  •  August 13th  Mars-Pluto aligns square. This is the first of three times this year this will happen. Significant to take notice since this normally only happens ONCE a year!

  •  August 15th, Uranus the plant of spiritual awakening, great change and liberation goes retrograde until January 14, 2021. (Uranus will be in Taurus until 2026)

  •  August 18th we have a Leo new moon. A strong solar energy reminding us to make the most of the time we have left this year.

Watch this episode:
