111111 Angel Guidance for November 2018

111111 Angel Guidance

A Powerful Alignment for Spiritual Awakening Arrives

-by Jenn Royster

Positive energy on the way! Be sure to save the date and mark your calendars. 

November 2018 in numerology has a unique date. 11.11.11 That's a triple eleven energy vibration. The year 2018 is an eleven year. (2+0+1+8=11). This energy brings spiritual awakening to the front of the line. If you are working on your intuitive skills and connection to spirit, this too shall be easier. 

No need to fear, we have a positive energy vibration heading our way Nov 8th. As Venus retrograde finalizes her work, a mercury retrograde begins on Nov 16th. 

Although November is a shifting month of retrogrades, the positive energy flowing in will bring ease and support to us all. Archangels Jophiel and Raphael bring insights for this month that I share in this episode. 

